Discover Poland and its wonderful fascinations through this wonderfully created coffee table book.


Written in English, author Linda Glod shares her personal overview of Poland – its culture, traditions, sites, and people – through this photography and poetry anthology.


White Lace Covered Windows captures the beauty, elegance, spunk, tragedy, courage, tenacity, energy, talent, creativity, and history of the country as expressed in the beautiful verses and portrayed in the vibrant photographs.


Seize the true spirit of this intriguing country in Europe when you uncover the
White Lace Covered Windows.


Visit Poland through the eyes of an American expatriate who lived there from 1998 to 2003.



In 9-11 is Red. White, and Blue, author Linda Glod captures life experiences both joyful and tragic, to include memorial tributes. Linda's poetry relates the impishness of "Mother Nature" and the realities of living through the Corona virus pandemic.


This book is a reflection of history and it is both entertaining and thought provoking. It includes cute illustrations by her daughter, Bridget Kraics, together with her photography, which adds an enjoyable dimension and life to the wide variety of poems.